Property Valuation & Basis of Value
Property Valuation
Do you require a property valuation for your home, office, shop, factory or land? An independent and accurate property valuation by a qualified and experienced property valuer could provide the solution to your property matter.
Basis of your Property Valuation
Is Market Value the basis of your property valuation? Although Market Value of a property (that is, the likely sales price it would bring if offered in an open and competitive real estate market) is the most common basis of value, Market Value is not the only basis of property valuation we undertake. We can also undertake a property valuation based on Investment Value, Liquidation Value, Fair Value, Project-Related Site Value, etc.
Purpose of your Property Valuation
Do you require a property valuation for one of these purposes?
Who will Carry Out Your Property Valuation?
Your property valuation will be undertaken by either the Principal himself or an Associate Senior Valuer with at least 10 years property valuation experience, NOT a rookie or an overworked employee valuer.
What are the Qualifications of Our Property Valuers?
Our valuers are Members of the Australian Property Institute (the peak body for valuers) and/or the Australian Valuers Institute all with Certified Practicing Valuer accreditation.
Why should You Trust Our Valuations?
Our valuers are independent, our valuations are accurate and our valuation reports are detailed, easy to read and supported by well researched evidence and sound rationale.
Where are the Locations We Cover?
All suburbs and areas within Metropolitan Melbourne and beyond some of its outer fringes.
Property Classes Valued
Residential Property Valuations
Includes houses, townhouses, apartments, duplexes and villa units.
Industrial Property Valuations
Includes warehouses, factories and workshops.
Commercial Property Valuations
Includes office buildings, strata offices, retail shops, restaurants, cafes and medical clinics.
Land Valuations
Includes development sites, vacant land and englobo land of a residential, commercial or industrial nature.
Putting a Price on Valuers
(an evergreen assessment of this profession)
When judging a property’s worth, their clout is rarely overestimated, writes Jerry Brown.**
The role of property valuers in the vast economies of our built environment is such that we project a form of realty omnipotence on them.
These people can, at least theoretically, answer one of life's most profound riddles: what is my proeprty worth on the current market? In truth, and off the top of their heads, they can't do this of course.
But it’s nice at least one player in the main game is considered to be completely independent. Even real estate agents who represent competition trust them. As <Maxwell K> of a St Kilda real estate agency> says, “you can take what they say to the bank”.
You can’t do this with a real estate agent’s estimate of the “market appraisal” value of your property or a property you hope to buy, because, while they undertake the appraisal for no fee, <Mr K> says “agents will only focus on the positives and tell you what a property might be worth “on a good day”.
If the agent is after a listing, the appraisal may be optimistically over-inflated. Weighed against a valuer’s valuation, which is invariably on the conservative side, the difference can sometimes be hundreds of thousands of dollars.